
At Natural Grace, we believe that knowledge empowers families and communities to make informed, compassionate choices about death and dying. Our selection of resources, including videos, articles and interviews, offers guidance on holistic funeral care, home funerals, and natural burial practices. Whether you’re seeking inspiration, education, or support, these materials provide an understanding of end-of-life care, helping you navigate this journey with confidence and clarity.

Things to WATCH

So now you’re dead, what are your options?

59 Minutes

Why you should Start2Talk

 52 Minutes

Soul Anatomy Arts – ABC Australia

A wonderful short film about our dear friend and respected colleague Dr Pia Interlandi

52 Minutes

Interesting ideas to READ about

Natural Death Advocacy Network (NDAN)

We are a growing Australian network and advocacy partnership of community facilitators, professionals, activists and educators working to enrich the experience of dying and death.

Our aim is to create an informative, innovative and transparent organisation advocating holistic approaches to dying and death through independent research and action. Our main areas of advocacy include death education, funeral planning, family lead funeral care, natural burial and bereavement care.

Natural Death Advocacy Network

Holistic End of Life & Death Care Australia (HELD)

Our purpose is to unite, represent and promote the holistic end of life and death care community and to develop the professional identity of holistic practitioners and care givers.
We acknowledge, represent and promote the safety, dignity and rights of:
all people at end of life and;
caregivers, both personal and professional.

We foster an open and constructive dialogue across all levels of national, state and local governments to strengthen our standing, influence and reach across the wider Australian healthcare landscape.

Holistic End of Life & Death Care Australia

Australian Home Funeral Alliance (AHFA)

The Australian Home Funeral Alliance (AHFA) is the national peak body for home funeral practitioners and advocates, dedicated to the empowerment of families and communities through the provision of ethical and inclusive education, information and advocacy for home funerals and family directed death care options in Australia.

AHFA sits as a bridge between community and professional knowledge, advocating for evidence-based practice standards and an increase of people’s agency and capacity. By bringing together community and professional voices, we aim to foster a healthier culture around death and dying.

Making home funerals accessible for all Australians.

Australian Home Funeral Alliance

Something to LISTEN to

Interview by Robyn Patton

Libby Moloney started her business Natural Grace Holistic Funeral Directors with a vision and passion to provide a truly empowered and authentic experience following the death of a loved one.

She shares why caring for our own is as important in death as it was during Life and why offering eco and sustainable options is only the tip of the iceberg in natural death care.

What’s the difference between traditional and conventional funerals (you’ll hear Libby lovingly educate me!), what does death literacy mean and Libby articulates for the first time her vision for a Sanctuary for babies and children.

Listen in and be inspired!