Helen Hill

Dr Helen HILL

Helen, eldest child of Jess (Dec.), and Rob (Dec.).
Loving sister to Alison (Dec.), Marg and Ian.
Sister-in-law to Katie and Ken. Aunt to Jerome, Cameron and Jane, Vaughan and Sophie.
Great Aunt to Mitchell, Ashley, Ryder, Seb, Jarvis and Ginger.
A good friend to Bec And Leeanne.

Helen passed away suddenly on Tuesday, 7th May and was a passionate and committed friend to the people of Timor Leste and all their causes.

You are warmly invited to come and celebrate the life of Helen at 11.30am on Friday, 17th May 2024 at the Church of all Nations, 180 Palmerston Street, Carlton.
Light refreshments will be served afterwards in the Church Hall.

In memory of Helen please consider making a donation to the Church of all Nations, Carlton. Envelopes will be available on the day.
If you are unable to attend in person, we invite you to be present by watching the livestream of the ceremony – Helen Hill Funeral Service

Please note: Livestreaming of the service is not guaranteed due to possible internet issues. In the event the livestream is interrupted, the ceremony is being recorded and the recording will be uploaded after the service.